Everything You Need to Know About VCard QR Code

(Yicai Global) Oct. 23 — Modern technology and the use of remote devices have changed the way business owners and marketers are selling their products or services. In this modern world, there are greater chances that 70% of your targeted audience is fond of social media platforms and technology. Therefore, it’s time to be one step ahead of your competition and make use of augmented reality business cards.
Electronic business cards, also known as Vcards, provides an easy way to store, process, and transfer a larger amount of information that could not be accomodated on an ordinary business card. Vcards can either use a simple QR code or visual QR code that are easily readable by most of the devices we use in our daily lives, such as smartphones, tablets and computers. A V-card can easily store and transmit pertinent business information:your name, contact number, address, website URL, photos, portfolio, and more.
Benefits of Using VCard
More and more people are utilizing QR codes on their business cards but many of them are not able to make use of its real power. Here is how can you benefit from having a VCard to market your business
· VCards can work same as running a business commercial. Instead of just putting your address or website link, you can embed a YouTube intro video to describe your business.
· You can attach your social media accounts, contact no, fax no, and more which allows greater customer engagement.
· Majority of the people will scan and just throw away the card, but you will benefit from the very few who will save and bookmark the information found from the QR code.
· Having a virtual QR code on the VCard with a logo and picture in it looks appealing and people are more likely to scan it.
How to Make VCard QR Code?
Those days are long gone when only companies associated with augmented reality could use the luxuries of augmented reality for business promotion. Today, there are several QR code generators available for free on the internet. Similarly, QR-Zebra is one of the best QR code generator that allow its users to make QR codes for their URL, MP3, WIFI, Social Media, Email, Bitcoin, and obviously VCard.
Making QR codes using QR-Zebra is as easy as installing a simple program on your computer. The user-friendly QR-Zebra platform was specifically designed for beginners yet non-tech people. Here is how you can make your VCard for free using QR-Zebra
· Open the QRZebra official website and you will see several QR code options on the menu
· Click on the VCard
· Now you can fill in the information like name, organization, phone no, fax no, email, website, address, and more.
· You can also upload your personal picture or your company’s logo to make your VCard as appealing as ever.
· Choose between a static or dynamic Vcard, a dynamic Vcard allows you to edit your data later and track where people scan your QR code.
· Click on Generate QR Code
· After this, QR-Zebra provides you 4 different menus to customize your VCard QR Code. You can customize the code patterns, colors, eyes, and add a customized picture or logo.
· Done! Click on download to download your Vcard.
Today, companies are always looking for new marketing ways to stand out of their competitors. VCards is one of the best ways to transfer business information to potential customers. Note that visual QR codes with logo or picture are more likely to scan than ordinary black-and-white QR codes. If you like to use a qr code generator with logo for your Vcard than qzebra is a great one. Vcards are already becoming the standard in many countries as the US as they are very efficient as beneficial.
For more information on how to implement this useful and engaging marketing tool, visit https://www.qrcode-zebra.com